Call for Papers: ARCA Conference in the Study of Art Crime

Posted on March 13, 2010


Amelia, Italy.

The Association for Research into Crimes Against Art (ARCA) has issued a call for papers for their conference this coming summer in Amelia, Italy.  I’ll be in attendance at this conference so if you’ve got something interesting to say, I’ll thank you now!  From the ARCA blog, here are the details:

Call for Papers
2nd Annual ARCA Conference in the Study of Art Crime
Amelia, Italy
10-11 July 2010

ARCA (The Association for Research into Crimes against Art), an international non-profit think tank and research group dedicated to the study of art crime and cultural property protection, is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its second annual conference. Papers are welcome from scholars and professionals in any field relevant to art crime and protection, including law, policing, security, art history, conservation, archaeology, and criminology. Please submit a title and abstract (up to 250 words) as well as a professional biography (up to 150 words) by email to by May 1.

The conference will be held in the elegant Zodiac Room of Palazzo Petrignani, in the beautiful town of Amelia in the heart of Umbria. The conference will feature the presentation of the annual ARCA Awards to honor outstanding scholars and professionals dedicated to the protection and recovery of international cultural heritage. The goal of the conference is to bring together international scholars, police, and members of the art world to collaborate for the protection of art worldwide.

Please direct any queries and submit papers to For more information on ARCA, please visit